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Deb was born and raised in Auckland, and moved to Thames in the 1990’s. Somewhere along the way in her late 20’s she stumbled upon her latent creativity while trying to decorate a new home on a non-existent budget.  A spark was lit!


She is extremely interested in people and personal process, her training with The Learning Connexion Wellington, combined with training in counselling at Weltech Auckland, have enabled Deb to develop a solid background in creative expression through art and creativity. In 2006 she co-founded an organization whose focus is on creating personal wellbeing through the use of art and creativity as a form of personal expression. She currently runs Women’s retreats and workshops in New Zealand and Bali, through her two businesses ELEMENTAL Creativity and REJUVENATE Spa Retreats.


Deb believes that all people have an innate ability to express themselves through creativity, and that the ability to be in touch with one’s inner creativity is absolutely essential to wellbeing.

Deb Brock

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